23 November 2017, Mass of Thanksgiving Day, 10:00 am
Introit: Ego autem
Offertory: For the beauty of the earth, p. 207
Communion: Tollite hostias
Recessional: Now thank we all our God, V2H p. 221 (All verses)
Mass XVIII, PBC, p. 72, no Gloria, no Credo.
The Introit assigned in the current Graduale Romanum for the Votive Mass of Thanksgiving is that of Monday in the fourth week of Lent (Wednesday of week three in the EF Graduale). You will find it in the Graduale Romanum 1961, p. 132. Please print and bring with you. There are three phrases:
The Communion antiphon has only two phrases:
The connection of this text with its former place in a Dedication formulary is obvious. On this Sunday it makes a connection particularly with the first reading and the melody links together the three imperative verbs: tollite, introite, and adorate. Tollite and introite have the same note progression, deb, and consequently they are also closely related melodically. Hostias towers above both these words. The third one, adorate, never extends beyond c and the modest interval of a minor third. The solemnly descending line in the second phrase expresses the idea of adoration—a profound bow, a prostration before the majesty of God. In the annotated manuscripts each of the clives over the words (ado)-rate Dominum is marked with a hold, thus enhancing the impression of reverence. But the solemn spirit is made less formidable by the fact that each new clivis opens on the same note with which the preceding closed. In the church our humble gifts of bread and wine are converted into the Lord Himself; under the sacred species we adore Him who offers Himself for us and gives Himself to us in Holy Communion. In aula is related to ejus of the first phrase. It closes on b♭ like the second ejus, while sancta closes on c. Instead of the quiet, solemn two-note groups of the preceding member, we here have three-note groups. The suspended close on b♭may serve to remind us that we are still awaiting the eternal courts of God, the eternal liturgy of heaven. With one exception, the accented syllable is always higher than the following syllable.