21 January 2018, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
(Year A&B) Introit: Dominus secus mare, begin on F (as fa)
Alleluia: Dominus regnavit, begin on D as fa
Offertory: Adoro Te devote, PBC, p. 90, begin on E♭
(Year A&B) Communion: Venite post me, begin on G (as sol)
Recessional: God, my King, Thy might confessing, p. 325, begin on C
Mass XI, PBC p. 58. Credo III, PBC p. 77.
(Year A&B) The Introit antiphon has four phrases, but we'll break the long fourth one into two parts. (We can do that here and still be faithful to the text.) Even so, you may wel find the last phrase–as well as the second one—a bit more challenging to keep together. So do find a convenient spot to breathe, just not at the quarter bar, please.
1. Dominus secus mare Galilaeae
2. vidit duos fratres Petrum and Andream
3. et vocavit eos
4. Venite post me
5. faciam vos fieri piscatores hominum
Like last Sunday's Communion antiphon, today's Introit comes from the Mass formulary of the Vigil of St Andrew the Apostle (29 November) in the older (1961) Graduale. It is Matthew's telling of the call of Andrew and Peter, sung because we hear Mark's version in today's Gospel. (Last week we heard John's version.) It is in the first mode, which can be declarative, somewhat like the eighth. The melody moves along at a steady narrative pace, though the ornamentation over duos fratres and vos . . . piscatores evoke images of fisherman raising and lowering their nets out of the water.
(Year A&B) Again reflecting the Gospel pericope, today's Communion antiphon comes from Mass formulary for the Feast of St Andrew as found in both the former and the current Graduale. It actually has three phrases, but we'll break the first one into two, as we did with the same text in the Introit.
1. Venite post me
2. faciam vos fieri piscatores hominum
3. at illi relictis retibus et navi
4. secuti sunt Dominum
The text, which includes a reference to a later passage in Matthew's gospel (16:24), is a reminder that following the call of Jesus will involve sacrifice. For Andrew and Peter, giving up their boat and nets is just the first sacrifice of many; they are destined for a cross of their own. Similar to last Sunday, Mode 8 again stresses the immediate confidence they placed in Jesus, and the melody beginning immediately on the dominant adds emphasis to this. Its continuance on the dominant indicates for us their enduring faith, despite the sacrifice involved. The first phrase is sung more quietly, although there is a certain solemnity in the twofold descent of the interval sol-re and the ascending sol-do, which is, as we had in the Introit, a melodic allusion to the lowering and raises of the fishermen's nets into the sea. Dom Johner calls the Communion antiphons of last Sunday and this 'as fresh as the breeze of the sea . . . true gems of the Graduale.'